All Care Packages
Acquired Brain Injuries
Focus Care provides an enhanced care and recovery approach (ECRA) within a supported living service for people living with acquired brain injury. This home with care (HwC) and support offers individuals a flexible alternative to long-term hospitalisation and traditional residential care placements. We work in partnership with social landlords to provide high-quality care that aligns with best practice guidelines and the Single Assessment Framework quality statements. We work in partnership with social landlords to provide high-quality care that aligns with best practice guidelines and the Single Assessment Framework quality statements.

Autistic Spectrum Disorders

Focus Care supports and cares for people who live with autistic spectrum conditions. We promote and support individuals to make lifestyle choices while living in the community. Working closely with individuals and their families, we uphold service users’ rights to privacy, respect, dignity, choice, independence, fulfilment, and safety. Our services are designed to be person-centred and inclusive, following the CQC’s “Right Support, Right Care, Right Culture” principles. We also integrate the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training to enhance our staff’s understanding and support for autistic individuals. Our approach includes Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) and is aligned with the national Restraint Reduction Network.
Challenging Behaviours
Focus Care provides comprehensive support for individuals with challenging behaviors. Our approach includes Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) and is aligned with the national Restraint Reduction Network. We also incorporate total communication training, including NAPPI (Non-Abusive Psychological and Physical Intervention) training, to ensure our staff are equipped to provide safe and effective care

Learning Disabilities

Focus Care is a proactive provider of care and support for people living with a Learning Disability throughout the UK. We empower individuals by enabling them to live as independently as possible within supported living services with a tenancy and Housing with Care (HwC) packages. We uphold service users’ rights to privacy, respect, dignity, choice, independence, fulfilment, and safety. Our approach aligns with the CQC’s “Right Support, Right Care, Right Culture” guidance, ensuring that our model of care maximises choice, control, and independence, promotes dignity and human rights, and fosters a positive culture. We passionately promote Positive Behaviour Support (PBS), aligned with the national Restraint Reduction Network, and incorporate the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training to ensure our staff have the skills and knowledge to provide safe, compassionate, and informed care.
Mental Health Disorders
Focus Care provides services to people living with mental ill health. Our team collaborates with the multidisciplinary team (MDT) and uses the Care Program Approach (CPA). We adopt a holistic, comprehensive, integrated, person-centred care approach in our service delivery. We uphold service users’ rights to privacy, respect, dignity, choice, independence, fulfilment, and safety. Our approach is in line with the Single Assessment Framework quality statements, ensuring high-quality, person-centred care. We passionately promote Positive Behaviour Support (PBS), aligned with the national Restraint Reduction Network.

Profound and Complex Needs

Focus Care offers specialised support for individuals with profound and complex needs. Our services are designed to be person-centred and inclusive, ensuring that individuals receive the care and support they need to live fulfilling lives. We follow the CQC’s “Right Support, Right Care, Right Culture” principles to ensure high-quality care.